Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016: Santa Monica Beach Trash Report

Dateline: Thursday morning, Oct. 6, 2016, a walk along the beach from the Santa Monica Pier to Ocean Park and back..... with photos of the continuing #beachtrash that remains uncollected and/or otherwise disposed of by the City of Santa Monica, including #beachtrash and a #deadbird that we have seen for the past 3 days and counting... further evidencing the fact that City Sanitation Staff do not, in fact, walk the shore line and hand pick the #beachtrash.

The Santa Monica Pier sure looks nice when you look up...

Look below, however, and it is a different story...

Day #3 now for the dead bird below.....

Lots of wood debris from the pier due to the ongoing repair of the pier planks... this debris does not get picked up by the City, unfortunately...

Below, this is the 3rd day in a row that we've seen this discarded yellow net produce bag...

Below, Day #3 for this balloon and ribbon knotted up with some sea weed...

Day #3 as well below for the MAVERICKS cigarette pack...

Two glass bottles left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica...

This nutritional supplements container, above and below, is making its Day #3 appearance thanks to the City of Santa Monica's small but mighty crew of workers who do not hand pick up the trash along the shoreline...

I guess this very brightly reflective Fuji Instant Camera Film package was too hard for the City of Santa Monica to see...

How on earth does the City of Santa Monica's workers miss the next two glass bottles?  The answer is because they are not hand picking up the trash along the shoreline.

Below, this discarded plastic "Southwest" Salad container is on Day #3 on the beach here in Santa Monica...

Another day of a tremendous amount of #beachtrash along the shoreline uncollected and/or disposed of by the City of Santa Monica.  Why, you might ask?  I think it is because the Sanitation Dept. doesn't care. If they did care, then they would assign a couple of workers each day to walk the shoreline to pick up the trash.  They just don't do so, however.  The City Hall spokesperson, however, recently was quoted as saying that the City has workers that do hand pick the trash along the shoreline.  


Excerpt:  "Constance Farrell, Public Information Coordinator for Santa Monica City told The Mirror. “We also have a small but mighty team of City employees who work on the beach seven days a week. Community service crews also help keep the beach clean.” ".... Our team hand picks trash near the water’s edge..."

Therein lies the problem.  The sanitation dept. has apparently advised the City Hall Staff they they do hand pick the trash along the shoreline when, in fact, that is not the case as our photographs in our multiple blog posts clearly show.  City Hall has been repeatedly advised of its failure to clean up the trash along the shoreline and yet it has done nothing to change it.  

It is absolutely irresponsible of the City not to clean up the trash along the shoreline each day.  The misrepresentation to the contrary only makes matters worse.  It is one thing not to clean up the trash on the shoreline. It is yet another level of civic negligence to misrepresent that the city is cleaning up the trash on the shoreline.  Honestly, I do not know what it is going to take to get the City to do what it says it does.  Perhaps if mainstream broadcast media draws attention to this, then perhaps City Hall might wake up to the fact that their sanitation dept. is not hand picking up the trash along the shoreline regularly.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica, Calif.

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2016.)

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