Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Santa Monica Beach Trash Report: Wed., Nov. 9, 2016

Dead Bird At Bay St... uncollected and not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica
Dateline: Wednesday morning around 7:30 a.m. and again at 8:30 a.m. along the beach in Santa Monica between the Santa Monica Pier and Ocean Park and back...  An accumulation of #beachtrash was observed along the water's edge this morning between the Pier and Bay St. (aka, Lifeguard Tower #20).  We observed a City sanitation worker on the beach south of Bay St. and Tower #20 at approximately 7:30 a.m. using a dust pan and broom but only for a few minutes and on the south side of Tower #20.  This worker then left the beach in the City sanitation truck he was driving.  He did not clean up the #beachtrash on the pier side of Tower #20 leaving a dead bird, glass bottles, plastic bottles, etc. uncollected...

Here are the photos of the #beachtrash uncollected this morning by the City of Santa Monica, at least as of 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m...

Santa Monica beach... Good from far but far from good as the following photos illustrate...

Stunning morning with a warm offshore breeze along with some decent sized surf...  Just the kind of day where visitors should be able to walk along the water's edge without encountering an abundance of #beachtrash left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica...

Below, some surfers enjoying the early morning at the beach.....

.....  meanwhile just a few feet away from them is a dead bird unobserved and uncollected by the City of Santa Monica.....

On our way back to the pier around 8:30 a.m., we observed additional #beachtrash, as well as the same #beachtrash we saw approximately one hour earlier...

A father and son, below, playing on the beach at water's edge, just a few feet away from a load of #beachtrash left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica.  This is truly unfair to these visitors to the beach. To have to tolerate this lack of cleanliness at the beach is unacceptable.

Below, #beachtrash at the water's edge just feet away from a father and his young son playing in the sand.....  The City of Santa Monica should be ashamed to allow this to happen over and over and over.....

If the City of Santa Monica can operate its tractors and trucks on a daily basis on the soft dry sand at the middle and back of the beach, then it can surely have its staff walk the water's edge and hand pick up the enormous amount of #beachtrash that accumulates there as the result of the fact that most people that visit the beach stay by the water's edge.  Indeed, the substantial time devoted to raking the soft dry sand is largely a waste of time and resources that could be devoted to cleaning up the #beachtrash at the water's edge. 

#Beachtrash continues to plague the water's edge because the City of Santa Monica apparently does not care about this issue. If they did, they would do something about it.  Hand picking the #beachtrash once a week is obviously not enough.  The water's edge needs daily attention. More so than the time wasted on raking the back of the beach every day with a tractor, that's for sure.

I will continue to focus my attention on this issue of civic neglect which continues to threaten public health, safety and welfare.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica business owner

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2016.)

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