Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Stick A Fork In It!...

Dateline: Tuesday morning, March 14, 2017 along the shoreline in Santa Monica, Calif.  I started this morning's Santa Monica #Beachtrash audit at Bay St. (aka, Lifeguard Tower #20) and walked toward the Santa Monica Pier along the water's edge.  As previously stated on numerous occasions, the area of the beach between the water's edge and the berm is where the City of Santa Monica has stated that it does NOT operate any of it's mechanical equipment.  Instead, a City spokesperson this past August 19, 2016 stated that there are City employees who walk near the water's edge and hand pick up the #beachtrash.  I have found that this is simply not true.  Today is a perfect example. Only mechanical equipment was utilized by the City and the section of beach near the water's edge was not cleaned of #beachtrash whatsoever.

Below are the photos plus a video that show the extent of the #beachtrash near the water's edge that the City continues to ignore and not collect on either a daily or regular basis.

Below, an empty discarded aluminum can of beer right out in the open near the water's edge. The City could have obviously picked this up IF the City really did have its staff walk near the water's edge and hand pick up #beachtrash...

Below, two photos of a couple of (I think) Royal Terns on the soft sand...

So much #beachtrash, in fact, you could stick a fork in it... which someone apparently did...

Below, seagulls fight over two empty plastic bags of chips...

This is how wildlife end up ingesting #beachtrash.  This happens over and over in Santa Monica because the City lacks the integrity to clean up the #beachtrash near the water's edge on either a daily or regular basis.

*** Video Alert ! ***

Seagulls Fighting Over #Beachtrash: The Video


Our goal remains to get the City of Santa Monica to clean up the #beachtrash near the water's edge and more than merely once a week.  Since the City collects its exorbitant parking fees seven days a week, it is only fair that the City have its staff walk near the water's edge seven days a week and hand pick up the #beachtrash that accumulates.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica business owner

(All photos and video by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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