Sunday, July 16, 2017

Saturday, July 15, 2017, Santa Monica Beach Trash Report: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Dateline:  Saturday, July 15, 2017 at approximately 9 a.m. and thereafter...

The first thing I noticed this morning just shy of 9 a.m. was two City of Santa Monica sanitation workers on the berm (near their white City Sanitation Dept. pick up truck) next to and just south of the Santa Monica Pier with small broom and wastebaskets picking up #beachtrash.

City of Santa Monica sanitation truck on the berm by the Santa Monica Pier
Imagine my relief!  The previous Saturday this area of the beach was not hand picked and it was, as previously reported, filthy with #beachtrash.  I was, thus, encouraged and wondered to what extent the City was undertaking to clean up and hand pick up and remove the #beachtrash south of the Pier all the way to Ocean Park. 

The Good News is unfortunately VERY LIMITED.  These two City sanitation workers apparently only hand picked up #beachtrash from the pier to the first lifeguard tower south of the pier (Lifeguard Tower #16), which I verified shortly later and after these two City workers drove their truck away and exited the beach.  In other words, the City hand picked up #beachtrash of an area near the shoreline of perhaps 100 yards.  And that was it !

The Bad News is that the City did NOT hand pick up any other #beachtrash near the water's edge from lifeguard tower #16 to Ocean Park!...  This includes the always troublesome and litter prone area adjacent to Bay St. at lifeguard tower #20, which historically and customarily gets people visiting the beach on Friday nites and leaving their glass bottles of beer and other beverage containers, as well as food containers behind.  The City knows this and STILL the City does NOT hand pick up the #beachtrash on Saturday mornings.  This is a remarkable achievement in negligence and carelessness by the City.

The UGLY is the multiple empty and discarded glass beer bottles left behind along the berm and just to the south of lifeguard tower #20 that I observed at approximately 9:30 a.m. and which was NOT hand picked up and/or otherwise disposed of by the City of Santa Monica (see photos below).  This is because the City did NOT have anyone walk along near the water's edge adjacent to Bay St./Lifeguard Tower #20 to hand pick up any #beachtrash. 

Photos of observed and obvious #beachtrash near the water's edge ignored, unobserved and NOT hand picked up by the City of Santa Monica between Lifeguard Tower #16 all the way to Ocean Park.

Below, THE UGLY!  An empty six pack of glass beer bottles left behind from Friday nite along with unwanted food container with fruit that will no doubt attract flies and insects for the Saturday beach crowd...  This is absolutely DISGUSTING!  And the City of Santa Monica with it's blinders on and no effort to made to clean this up because NO ONE from the City is even bothering to walk along the berm here near Bay St. and lifeguard tower #20 to hand pick it up!...

Nice, huh?!... Completely ignored by the City of Santa Monica as of approximately 9:30 a.m.
on a Saturday morning!

THE UGLY continued! Above and below, a used diaper near the water's edge unobserved and NOT hand picked up by the City of Santa Monica.  Why not?!... Because the City did not send anyone out here near Bay St. to observe #beachtrash, let alone hand pick it up and dispose of it!  On a Saturday morning with an approaching large beach crowd expected and many of whom will pay TEN DOLLARS or more for the privilege of parking in the beach parking lots where the City collects LOTS OF REVENUE... and in exchange the public gets glass bottles and used diapers!  What a bargain!...

Another USED DIAPER uncollected and NOT disposed of by the City of Santa Monica and left awaiting the day's beach going public that has just paid TEN DOLLARS or more for the privilege of sharing the beach with this used diaper.  Thank you, City of Santa Monica for your continued careless beach maintenance.

The City's Hop Scotch Approach to the removal of #beachtrash near the water's edge is a joke and reinforces that the City does NOT have the commitment or desire to hand pick up #beachtrash near the water's edge in a reasonable and diligent manner.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Concerned citizen,
Attorney at law,
and business owner in the City of Santa Monica

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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