Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017: Part I, Santa Monica Beach Trash Report

Dateline: Sunday morning and early afternoon, July 16, 2017. Today I started at the northern edge of Santa Monica just south of Santa Monica Canyon and walked south toward the Santa Monica Pier, under the pier, and a mile further to Ocean Park and then all the way back...  Here are the photos plus one video I took along the way that shows the enormous amount of #beachtrash, especially north of the pier today on a Sunday when huge summer crowds are expected and the City of Santa Monica did not do any hand picking up of #beachtrash this morning in advance of this expected crowd, thus leaving everyone who paid for beach parking to have to coexist with all of the #beachtrash:  glass bottles, plastic bottles, broken glass bottles, paper and plastic food containers, etc. et al... and no day at Santa Monica State Beach is complete without a dead bird nearby and today was no exception.

Umbrellas set up near the water's edge out front of the BEACH CLUB...

Meanwhile, straight out in front of these umbrellas, the #beachtrash spectacle begins...

Below, I set these couple items of #beachtrash I found near the water's edge along the berm around 10:30 a.m. this morning. They would still be there when I returned after 2 pm !

Below, 10:36 a.m. on my wristwatch as I arrive out front of the Annenberg Beach House and adjacent to Lifeguard Tower #4... where I observe an especially large amount of #beachtrash uncollected and not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica before the arrival of the anticipated and expected Sunday crowds...

10:37 a.m. Just look at this filth, aka #beachtraash out front of the Annenberg Beach House!...
on Sunday morning!...  Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach: The Filthiest Beach in Los Angeles County!...  Meanwhile, the City is able to collect beach parking lot fees...

*** Video Alert ! ***

#Beachtrash Out Front of the Annenberg Beach House: The Video

Nice!  A dead bird!... Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach!...

Above and below, a pile of #beachtrash left on the sand by the City of Santa Monica that has been raked up by their tractors.  How long will this pile of #beachtrash remain here?  Who knows!...

This concludes Part I of today's audit. The album is full and I am forced to prepare a second blog post for the remaining photos of #beachtrash along Santa Monica State Beach on both sides of the pier as well as under it.

To be continued... in Part II to follow.....

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Concerned citizen,
Attorney at law,
and business owner in the City of Santa Monica

(All photos and video by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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