Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Clean Beach Report: Happy Valentines Day

Dateline: Tuesday morning between 8:45 a.m. and about 10 a.m., February 14, 2017 along the shoreline in Santa Monica between the Santa Monica Pier and Ocean Park and back...

First of all, upon arrival at approx. 8:45 a.m., I noticed two (2) Santa Monica City white sanitation dept. trucks along the berm just south of the pier with employees on the berm picking up #beachtrash!

As I made my way out to the berm overlooking the water's edge and the ocean I started walking south toward Ocean Park and you could tell that the beach along the berm had been cleaned. It was surprisingly clean, as a matter of fact along the berm and soft sand overlooking the water's edge.
I walked all the way to the Venice border at Lifeguard Tower #29 just south of Ocean Park and turned around at that point.

On the return trip I walked along the water's edge with the waves lapping at my feet.  It was in this area along the water's edge and below the berm that I found uncollected #beachtrash.  The first thing I saw at the water's edge that was uncollected was an empty glass bottle of JACK DANIELS whiskey.

On the other hand, the beach along the berm to the back of the beach appeared to me to have been cleaned by the City of Santa Monica. This is a welcome relief and it made the walk along the beach a real pleasure.

Nevertheless, I still think it is imperative that the City have someone walk along the water's edge and pick up the #beachtrash left uncollected by the crew that focused on the berm and the area of the beach adjacent thereto, which apparently does not include the water's edge.  In this regard, the following represent the numerous examples of #beachtrash that I observed along the water's edge on the return trip from south of Ocean Park at Lifeguard Tower #29 to the Santa Monica Pier.

Walking along the berm... notice how nice and clean it looks in both directions below.....

At this point I reached the last lifeguard tower in Santa Monica, Tower #29, and then I turned around and headed back along the water's edge.  The first thing I saw was this comb, which turned out to be rather prescient since the water's edge was not, in fact, cleaned with a fine tooth comb...

Meanwhile, below, at the middle of the beach, the tractors dragging the rakes do their back and forth and circle pattern around the lifeguard towers taking a great deal of time to do it and it makes the beach look nice and groomed but does little about cleaning up #beachtrash. In fact, if these two tractor drivers walked the beach they could pick up more #beachtrash than what they do in the tractors. At least that is my opinion anyways...

Below, not the last straw. Trust me!...

Below, styrofoam debris. This ends up in the stomachs of birds and other wildlife.

It was stunning out there this morning with the waves lapping up past my feet as I walked back to the Santa Monica Pier.....

Lots of plastic and paper debris, aka #beachtrash, along the water's edge that goes uncollected because no one is walking the water's edge and getting their feet wet, literally or figuratively, in terms of collecting and disposing of the #beachtrash at the water's edge.....

Magic!  Found this Sand Dollar in the sand along the water's edge.  Lottery Ticket tonite!...

Below, told ya so.....

Lots of straws along the water's edge. These end up in the stomachs of birds and other wildlife as well.....

Absolutely beautiful out there this morning in spite of the paper, styrofoam and plastic debris along the water's edge.....

Below: I thought this was an appealing shot.....

Sundial?  Beach art?.....

Above and below, a wild bird at the water's edge which is in danger of eating the #beachtrash that we observed along the water's edge this morning.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

At The Water's Edge On Valentines Day 2017: The Video


 Stunning shorebreak shot, below.....

This styrofoam debris below is a threat to wildlife. If the City had someone walk the water's edge and get their feet wet this type of debris and #beachtrash could be picked up and disposed of.....

This beach is simply beautiful and every reasonable effort should be made by the City of Santa Monica to do its part in cleaning up the #beachtrash along the water's edge.

Yet another straw below.....

In any case, the beach was substantially cleaner than it was during our last visit here on Saturday, Feb. 11th. For that, we are grateful. This needs to be a regular effort by the City of Santa Monica and not just once a week or merely now and then.

In conclusion, our photos today prove that someone from the City should walk along the water's edge and get their feet wet while picking up the substantial #beachtrash left uncollected this morning.

It is a positive sign, however, to see the City have its staff picking up #beachtrash along the berm where there is often discarded trash such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, and paper debris.

Someone is going to have to get their feet wet, however, in order to address and dispose of the staggering amount of #beachtrash that remains along the water's edge.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica business owner

(All photos and video by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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