Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday Beach Trash...

Dateline: Good Friday, April 14, 2017... photos of the #beachtrash observed near the water's edge and uncollected by the City of Santa Monica, plus photos of the #beachtrash at the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain outfall on the beach right smack dab in front of luxury hotels SHUTTERS, and CASA DEL MAR that also remains uncollected and/or not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica, including what appears to be the same dead bird observed this past Monday.

Storm debris remains uncollected by the City of Santa Monica...

Broken glass observed near the water's edge...

Below, a #beachtrash as art installation beside the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain outfall on the sand, including the same dead bird that I saw near the water's edge this past Monday, April 10th, that I blogged about previously...

So nothing has changed. The City of Santa Monica continues to ignore the #beachtrash near the water's edge and does not either daily or regularly clean it and remove it from the beach.  As such, this #beachtrash continues to represent a public health and safety issue.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica business owner

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Spring Break #BeachTrash Report...

Introduction (raise the black curtain...):

#GlassBottles #DeadBird #BrokenGlass #StormDebris #Plastic... a veritable potpouri of #beachtrash is what beach patrons can expect to find near the water's edge during Spring Break on Santa Monica State Beach...

Monday afternoon, April 10, 2017... from 4 pm to 5:30 pm approximately, I walked along the beach from the Santa Monica Pier to the southern end of Santa Monica State Beach where it meets Venice Beach and then returned to the Santa Monica Pier.  Along the way I took photos and videos of the accumulation of #beachtrash, as well as the dead bird near the water's edge out front of the infamous Pico-Kenter Storm Drain...

The City of Santa Monica continues in its failure to daily or regularly hand pick up trash near the water's edge in spite of the fact that the City collects parking revenues 7 days a week at its beach parking lots.

Spring Vacation 2017 is definitely in progress. The following 3 photos show the crowd at approx. 4 pm just south of the Santa Monica Pier...

As I get close to the water's edge, however, the #beachtrash starts to be very visible as well as uncollected and/or disposed of by the City of Santa Monica...

Lots of storm debris, e.g., tree branches, bamboo and other sharp objects remain uncollected and/or disposed of by the City of Santa Monica.  This storm debris represents a public health and safety hazard and the City simply ignores it.

This large piece of wood/storm debris has been here on the beach since at least this past Friday and the City continues to ignore it and not dispose of it properly.  I set it up against this sign. Let's see how much longer the City is going to ignore it.

Today's dead bird near the water's edge.  Someone has drawn a square shaped headstone in the sand with the letters, RIP, for the bird.  If the City had someone who inspected the beach this would be removed and disposed of so that it doesn't spread disease to the beach going public.  The City of Santa Monica apparently takes the ostrich approach instead, e.g., what they do not see they do not have to collect and/or dispose of.

As the photo below shows, this dead bird is right along where people walk along the beach...

and this dead bird is close by children playing in the sand near the water's edge... Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Today's Dead Bird on Santa Monica State Beach: The Video

... and the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain outfall along Santa Monica State Beach is once again filthy with #beachtrash that remains uncollected and/or not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica.

Just look at all of this filthy #beachtrash right out in front of luxury hotels SHUTTERS and CASA DEL MAR?!...  When you consider the hotel taxes that these hotels contribute to the City of Santa Monica you have to wonder what the hotel owner's are thinking about the failure of the City to clean up the beach near the water's edge on a daily or regular basis...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

 Pico-Kenter Storm Drain #BeachTrash: The Video

The next two photos shows how inconsiderate some beach patrons can be.  Empty glass bottles of MODELO® beer and assorted food packaging left abandoned on the beach near the water's edge.  The next question is: how long will it take before the City of Santa Monica cleans this up?

And how long before someone from the City of Santa Monica bothers to pick up this city trash container?...

Today's photos and videos continue to illustrate how very little the City actually does on either a daily or regular basis to clean up the #beachtrash, esp. near the water's edge on Santa Monica State Beach.  At some point you have to believe that Calif. State Parks on behalf of the State of California is going to have to object to the failure of the City of Santa Monica to clean up this magnificent natural resource.  If the City can collect exorbitant beach parking fees seven days a week, then the City can certainly use the resources which it has to clean up the #beachtrash near the water's edge on a daily or on multiple days per week.  It is Spring Break for many schools this week and still the City of Santa Monica cannot be bothered to offer its beach patrons a clean and safe beach.  This is not the picture that the City paints to the public in its social media, that's for sure.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica business owner

(All photos and videos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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