Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017: Santa Monica Beach Trash Report

Question: Why is the beach near the water's edge cleaner on Tuesday morning than on the weekend? 
Question:  Why would the City of Santa Monica not present a clean and safe beach to the general public on Saturday and Sunday?

Consider these two questions as you look through today's photos of #beachtrash near the water's edge that the City of Santa Monica did not bother to pick up and dispose of.

Dateline:  Tuesday morning, August 15, 2017, between the Santa Monica Pier and Ocean Park and back...

Above and below, you can see the line in the sand where the tractor stops and does not go any closer to the water's edge with its rake.  It is this area below the high tide line all the way to the water's edge that the City of Santa Monica routinely ignores and does not daily hand pick up #beachtrash and dispose of it.  Instead, the City of Santa Monica principally relies on its tractors towing the rakes and ignores the sand between the high tide line and the water's edge.  Why?!  Because the City doesn't care if there is #beachtrash left behind. If it cannot be swept up by the tractor, then the City just basically forgets about it as a matter of convenience.

Today's first glass bottle, below, uncollected and ignored by the City of Santa Monica...

Today's second glass bottle, above and below... A discarded glass bottle of MODELO® beer, the most prevalent beer brand to have a second life as #beachtrash...

Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach where #beachtrash is ignored day after day.....

How about a half of melon?!...

Above and below, today's THIRD discarded glass bottle below the berm ignored and uncollected by the City of Santa Monica because the City does not, in fact, daily or every day hand pick up #beachtrash near the water's edge...

Above and below, an empty discarded STARBUCKS® plastic beverage container totally ignored and uncollected by the City of Santa Monica...

Above and below, two additional photos which clearly show the line drawn in the sand by the City of Santa Monica's tractors that rake the beach above the high tide line but do not collect or dispose of #beachtrash below the high tide line...

Below, look how stunningly beautiful is this natural resource that is Santa Monica State Beach. Why would the City of Santa Monica not devote human resources to removing beachtrash that threatens public health and safety on a daily basis?!...

Above and below, today's first empty and discarded aluminum can of ® beer uncollected by the City of Santa Monica because it cannot be bothered to daily hand pick up #beachtrash near the water's edge...

Below, HOW difficult would it be for the City of Santa Monica to have just ONE employee hand pick up this empty discarded paper coffee cup with a plastic lid?!...  Answer:  Not difficult at all but apparently IMPOSSIBLE for the City of Santa Monica.....

The uneven line drawn in the sand by the City tractors, below...

Below, not exactly a straight line does the tractor operate and the magic line of not driving below the high tide line (aka, "Wrack line") is not uniformly respected nor enforced.  In other words, the excuse offered by the City of Santa Monica for not operating its tractors below the high tide line is merely one of convenience.  Remarkably, the City seems to think that this is an excuse not to hand pick up #beachtrash near the water's edge where the City says it does not operate its tractors... but the truth is that the City tractors do operate below the high tide line (aka, "Wrack line") when it is convenient and when they think they can get away with it.  In other words, the City will do almost anything to avoid devoting human resources to hand picking up and disposing of #beachtrash near the water's edge even if it means driving their tractors where they are not supposed to operate.

Above and below, two more views of the tractor's line in the sand at the high tide line (approx.)...
The beach to the right of the line above is not cleaned by hand and any #beachtrash there is basically ignored by the City of Santa Monica which does not, in fact, handpick up #beachtrash daily and certainly not EVERY DAY...

Above and below, beach patrons partaking in surfing lessons at the water's edge and in the ocean.....

Above and below, a fourth glass bottle (CORONA® beer) is observed in the sand near the water's edge which the City of Santa Monica should dispose of properly but which the City has not done because the City lacks the commitment to remove #beachtrash which threatens the public health & safety because it is not convenient to do so.....

Propped up in the sand, this empty glass bottle of CORONA® almost makes a nice advertisement for this brand, don't you think?...  Too bad it is just #beachtrash left uncollected and totally ignored by the City of Santa Monica...

Below, another example of a City of Santa Monica tractor and rake operating below the high tide line where it is not supposed to go because of microorganisms in the sand near the water's edge...

Below, the turnaround point at the border with Venice, Calif. can be seen in this photo...

Below, no day is complete along Santa Monica State Beach near the water's edge without a used and soiled diaper awaiting beach patrons visiting the beach after paying exorbitant fees for parking in the beach lots...

Above and below, a partially crushed and torn aluminum can in the sand left uncollected by the City of Santa Monica and which a beach patron could easily step on and be injured and lead to an infection...  

Not to worry, this imminent danger was removed by my picking it up carefully and throwing it away in a nearby trash container...

Heading back to the Santa Monica Pier.....

How about some FRITO'S....

Below, too bad these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures can't solve the ongoing #beachtrash crisis at Santa Monica State Beach......

Below, there's that Corona bottle again!... still uncollected and not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica principally because the City cannot seem to be able to assign even ONE PERSON to hand pick up #beachtrash near the water's edge even though the City is obligated to clean up #beachtrash on Santa Monica State Beach by virtue of the Operating Agreement with the State of California (Calif. State Parks)...

Above and below, another discarded aluminum can of MODELO® beer, the most popular cult beer brand that ends up becoming #beachtrash...

Anybody want to bet if the City of Santa Monica will pick up this empty can of MODELO® beer near the water's edge anytime soon?!...

And that 16 oz discarded aluminum can of CORONA® beer is still there below the berm RIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF the luxury hotel, CASA DEL MAR...

Does anybody think that the City of Santa Monica will dispose of this heavy glass bottle below?

Below, the carcass of a dead bird lays near the water's edge and right next to a little girl playing in the sand!... 

Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach where your children can be exposed to dead birds and #beachtrash!...

At the Santa Monica Pier.....

aluminum foil below..... Not user friendly for wildlife, e.g, seagulls, pigeons, snowy plover, etc...

Right smack dab next to the Santa Monica Pier is #beachtrash where the tractors do not operate and which is totally ignored by the City of Santa Monica because it is too lazy to devote the human resources that it, in fact, has to clean it up!...

The City of Santa Monica continues to ignore its obligation to keep Santa Monica State Beach clean and safe for the general public.  The failure to do so represents a continuing threat to public health and safety.

The City of Santa Monica is on specific notice of this omission of duty.  The State of California (Calif. State Parks) and the State Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, are also on notice of this continuing public health and safety threat.

The fix is simple:  devote human resources daily to hand picking up #beachtrash, including dead birds, etc. near the water's edge.

Why won't the City of Santa Monica do so?  It boggles the mind when you consider that the safety of the general public is at stake...

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Attorney at law,
and concerned citizen

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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