Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Three Day Santa Monica Beach Trash Report: September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2017

Friday, Sept. 1st, 2017, at 2900 Ocean Front Walk (aka, Lifeguard Tower #29)

Broken glass in the sand where the City of Santa Monica grooms the soft dry sand above the high tide line and well away from the water's edge. Left behind and uncollected by the City tractors and rakes for someone to step on.  I just happened along here in the morning on a walk and noticed it right in front of me.  Unfortunately, the City of Santa Monica does not bother to assign anyone to walk the beach daily to pick up #beachtrash that threatens public health and safety...

Above and below, right in front of Lifeguard Tower #29 near the water's edge a near full bottle of red wine... left uncollected and not disposed of at all by the City of Santa Monica due to its continued failure to daily have anyone walk the beach near the water's edge and hand pick up #beachtrash...

Below, #beachtrash I collected adjacent to lifeguard tower #29 near the water's edge...

Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 2017, at 600 Ocean Front Walk (aka, Lifeguard Tower #6) and
800 Ocean Front Walk (aka, Lifeguard Tower #8)

Above and below, right smack dab next to where the City of Santa Monica tractor and rake have groomed the soft dry sand is a broken cheap body board with a nylon covering up what is basically a styrofoam body board. These are illegal and easily break in the surf causing a rip in the nylon and then dispersing bits of styrofoam all over the sand as #beachtrash and an attractive unhealthy food source for wildlife...

So NO ONE from the City of Santa Monica bothered to stop and pick this #beachtrash up. Why?!...
Because the City doesn't give a hoot about it, that's why.

Behind Tower #8 at Sorrento Beach is a huge cesspool of storm drain runoff mixed with sea water in a collective disgusting and foul nuisance which is rimmed with a great deal of #beachtrash ignored and not disposed of properly by the City of Santa Monica...

Above and below, you won't see these photos promoted or distributed by the City of Santa Monica as part of their social media.....

The Gold Coast of Santa Monica... not what you were thinking, right?!...

I don't think this is what HEAL THE BAY means when it talks about wetlands!...

This is just foul and disgusting.....

This cesspool represents a clear public health and safety hazard!...  What happens when a small child or adolescent wanders off from their family, even briefly, and is exposed to this foul and disease ridden cesspool?!...  What hazardous waste protocols would the family have to be concerned with so that the child does not become sickened? 

Leaving the cesspool behind and walking back toward the water's edge...

Above and below, you can see that the City groomed the beach this morning above the berm and well away from the water's edge BUT the City has not bothered to have anyone walk near the water's edge to pick up even obviously visible #beachtrash.  Additionally, the City completely ignores the public health and safety hazard that is the storm drain cesspool behind Lifeguard Tower #8 and right near the Jonathan Club...

Below, additional #beachtrash that I collected near the water's edge adjacent to Lifeguard Tower #6 and which I disposed of properly in a beach trash can... doing what the City won't do.....

Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017, 600 Ocean Front Walk (aka, Lifeguard Tower #6)

Below, by 10:30 a.m., I had collected all of this #beachtrash below near the water's edge adjacent to Lifeguard Tower #6... and which I later disposed of in a nearby beach trash can..... once again doing what the City of Santa Monica won't do.....

Last but not least, on a positive note... I discovered that the restaurant BACK ON THE BEACH Cafe beside the Annenberg Beach House now serves up paper straws instead of plastic straws in a wonderful effort to do the right thing for the environment as plastic straws represent a huge problem in terms of becoming #beachtrash, as well as a threat to wildlife like this local seagull below...

Wow!  That is a "Paper Straw", ladies and gentlemen!...

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Attorney at law,
and Concerned citizen

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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