Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Santa Monica South: Beach Trash Report, Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dateline: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 between the Santa Monica Pier and Ocean Park at Lifeguard Tower #28 and back to the pier, below are the photos of the exorbitant amount of #beachtrash NOT collected or otherwise hand picked up and disposed of by the City of Santa Monica near the water's edge.

PLEASE NOTE: The City did operate its tractors and rakes this morning above the tide line and did a good job of collecting and removing #beachtrash ABOVE the tide line, but the City DID NOT hand pick up any #beachtrash below the tide line to the water's edge as the following photos illustrate.  The City is apparently incapable of sending any of its staff out to walk the beach and to hand pick up the #beachtrash near the water's edge that is not collected by the tractors and rakes.

I observed broken glass, glass bottles, aluminum cans, plastic debris, plastic bottles, paper products, mylar balloons, etc.

Below, 9:18 a.m., approximately, is when I began today's walk and audit of #beachtrash...

9:20 a.m., approximately.  Pay attention to these 2 aluminum cans. You will see them in 3 hours from now on this audit!...

Dead bird remains. These will still be here as well...

Above and below, this empty discarded bottle will also still be here later in this audit...

At the World Famous Santa Monica Pier!.....  Just BEAUTIFUL, Huh?!...

Is it the City's Birthday?!...  Here's a nice balloon, if so...

 Below, more uncollected #beachtrash in the Ocean Park adjacent area...

This private day camp with the canopies and umbrellas pays a license fee to the City for the right to use the beach. Do you suppose that they thought that they would have to share the beach with uncollected #beachtrash day after day after day?!...

A dead brid below the tide line adjacent to Tower #28...  If the City had its staff walk the shoreline EVERY DAY as it's Mayor says they do (but don't), they would have seen this dead bird and hopefully removed it. Notice the family with children nearby.

Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach!...

DEAD BIRD ALERT !  This is not an image you will see on the City's social media...

Bamboo left below the tide line that can cut feet easily...

Above, I observed an empty bottle of CORONA® beer just above the tide line partially buried.
As I got closer I stepped on the top of a separate broken bottle and found a third bottle as well.
This was right in front of luxury hotel, CASA DEL MAR.  Yes, I threw it all away in a nearby trash can.  This underscores that the tractors and rakes do not catch everything it their path. Indeed, some #beachtrash, e.g., aluminum cans and glass bottles, etc. can be crushed and buried in the sand rather than trapped and collected by the rake.

This is WHY It is so IMPORTANT that a crew of people from the City walk the beach near the water's edge BEFORE the tractors and rakes so that glass bottles and aluminum cans, etc. can be hand picked up and removed from the beach so that they do not become buried and dangerous land mines that will slice open someone's foot.

Below, the remains of the same dead bird that I saw earlier this morning after 9 a.m. when I started my walk to Ocean Park and back.

Below, this empty discarded bottle is still there and the time is now after 12 noon...

A broken glass wine bottle below... It is now after 12 noon, as previously stated, and this #beachtrash which I observed at approximately 9:20 a.m. this morning IS STILL HERE and has not been hand picked and removed from the beach by the City of Santa Monica. 

Below, these same 2 discarded MODELO® beer cans are still there as well.  Why?!... Because NO ONE from the City of Santa Monica has bothered to stop their pick up truck to hand pick them up and remove them.  The tractor ignores them because they are close to a sign post.  This is the reality that is Santa Monica State Beach.... where #beachtrash meets the sea and the City could care less!...

The same old, er, new shoe, below, that I observed just after 9 a.m. this morning is STILL THERE.  If the shoe fits..... and it apparently does insofar as the City of Santa Monica's failure to clean up #beachtrash on a daily basis, esp. near the water's edge.

When will the State of California wake up and realize that the City of Santa Monica is not holding up its end of the bargain in the Operating Agreement with the State whereby the City is supposed to keep the beach clean and safe and in return the City gets to collect thousands of dollars in beach parking fees, etc.

The City continues to show by its inaction that it does not care about Santa Monica State Beach or the health and safety of the general public.  The State Attorney General, however, does care deeply about the health and safety of the general public and I implore him to take action IMMEDIATELY to remedy this continuing travesty that is Santa Monica State Beach.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Concerned citizen,
Attorney at law, and
business owner in the City of Santa Monica

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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