Saturday, July 22, 2017

Symptomatic of Dysfunction: The Story of Santa Monica Beachtrash...

Welcome to Santa Monica State Beach!...

Dateline:  Saturday, July 22, 2017... late morning and early afternoon along Santa Monica State Beach, adjacent to Lifeguard Tower #25 (x-ref: 2500 Ocean Front Walk).  A large discarded glass bottle of alcohol still partially full lays in the sand just above the berm, proving once again that the City of Santa Monica does not pick up #beachtrash every day, in spite of statements by the City to the contrary.

As I arrived at this location at approx. 11:40 a.m. this morning, I noticed this empty bottle laying in the sand. No doubt it had been there since at least the previous evening.  At there it was to remain today uncollected by the City of Santa Monica.

Nice, huh?!... a large discarded partially full glass bottle of alcohol near a family with two small children. This family has just paid $10 or more to park in the beach parking lot and have carried their large canopy shelter and their belongings out to the shoreline and within 20 - 30 feet is this #beachtrash that remains because the City of Santa Monica is so utterly irresponsible.

Seriously!... HOW DO YOU MISS THIS GLASS BOTTLE near the shoreline if you daily (e.g., "every day") claim that the City of Santa Monica hand picks up #beachtrash near the water's edge?
I'll tell you how!... By not doing so!  That's it!  IT's the UTTER FAILURE to actually have ANYONE walk along the shoreline and hand pick up #beachtrash. 

Later, at approximately 12:30 pm, I noticed a City of Santa Monica sanitation truck drive right by this glass bottle without picking it up (see photo below).

Below, note: same discarded glass bottle at lower left; and City of Santa Monica truck at middle right.

I also observed a small green SMPD atv drive right by it and within a couple of feet of this bottle and not stop and pick it up either. Granted it is not the job of the SMPD to do so, but so goes the complacency and lack of any sort of accountability by the City of Santa Monica in the collection of #beachtrash near the water's edge on a daily basis (e.g., "every day" per Mayor Winterer...  x-ref: #baloney).

It's a rare occasion when one of these City sanitation trucks STOPS and the driver gets out and picks up #beachtrash that they observe in the sand and which they typically ignore, in my opinion.

This glass bottle and its presence on a Saturday morning near the water's edge is symptomatic of the dysfunctional and complacent City of Santa Monica sanitation department, not to mention City Hall, which could care less about #beachtrash and its collection and disposal, in spite of the fact that it threatens public health and safety and despite the fact that the City somehow is still able to collect beach parking fees from beach patrons which costs the general public $10 or more on the weekend.

Finally, in my opinion, the time is long overdue for the State Attorney General, Xavier Bacerra, to take the City of Santa Monica to court for breach of contract and for its continuing failure to protect the public health and safety.

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Concerned citizen,
Attorney at law,
and business owner in the City of Santa Monica

(All photos by & Copyright William Maguire 2017.)

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