Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016: Santa Monica Beach Trash Report

Shredded discarded aluminum can of MODELO® beer found buried in the sand... almost stepped on it!
Dateline: Wednesday morning, October 19, 2016 along the beach in Santa Monica between the Pier and the Pico-Kenter Storm Drain... we took photos plus a video of the abundance of #beachtrash uncollected by the City of Santa Monica.

Below, notice the soft dry sand below where the City of Santa Monica runs its tractors and rakes... and where the beach appears clean...

Below, raked soft dry sand with a plastic container not picked up by the City of Santa Monica...

Below, a discarded paper bag remains on the beach because it is below where the City operates its tractors and rakes...

The balance of photos show #beachtrash between the water's edge and the berm where the City's equipment is not used to pick up the #beachtrash.  This is the area where the City says it's staff hand picks up the #beachtrash but our multiple audits show that this is just not the case.  This area by the water's edge is full of #beachtrash that the public has to encounter.

Below, here's a good publicity shot for the Chamber of Commerce... an empty plastic red cup and an empty plastic medical marijuana container... neither of which are the least bit likely to be collected by and/or disposed of by the City of Santa Monica...

Below, an empty wooden crate washed up with the tide... either that or it got left behind by someone visiting the beach.  In any case, there it is uncollected and not disposed of by the City of Santa Monica...

Below, is the same empty MAVERICK® cigarette pack that we've now seen for three (3) weeks in this area of the beach and which we have previously photographed multiple times... If, indeed, the City hand picked up the #beachtrash in this area, surely this empty cigarette pack would have been collected and disposed of by now!...

Now here's a pretty picture, eh?!...

After the recent rainfall, the Pico-Kenter storm drain sent street run off to the ocean.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

Santa Monica Beach Trash Report, 10.19.2016: The Video

One can only wish that someday the City will clean along the water's edge with a fine tooth comb... In the meantime, our efforts to get the City to do so will likely continue to get the brush off.....

We will keep on spoon feeding and uploading photos of all the #beachtrash in our effort to expose the failure of the City to clean up the #beachtrash along the water's edge...

Below, as a sidenote: the SMPD at center frame remove several homeless individuals and their belongings from under the Santa Monica Pier...  now if only the City Sanitation Dept. would have a couple of their small but mighty staff walk along the shoreline and hand pick up the #beachtrash...

Respectfully submitted,

William Maguire,
Santa Monica, Calif.

(All photos and video by & Copyright William Maguire 2016.)

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